If you want to make your Church events a success nowadays, there are a few key things that you need to do. We here at ABCFastDirectory have realized this and noted a few key things. There was a time when the church was the very hub and center of the community. People were simply not as frantic in their schedules as often times they are today. Sure they were busy then there was always work to do and family to be with. But when the church put on an event you can be sure that everyone came as this was a time outside of the normal Sunday service to be together and enjoy the fellowship of everyone’s company.
While we can’t turn back the hands of time there are things the church can do that accomplishes the next best thing. It can host great events! There are many kinds some which cost no money and others that well worth the cost of admission.
- Let the church have a “town hall meeting.” No, I don’t mean necessarily for the town council to come (be sure to invite them anyway) but this event serves two purposes. First, always observe this rule: there’s no meeting without eating! Ask the people in your church to bring a main dish and a dessert, let the church provide the sides and the drinks. Do not skip over Mrs. Jones potato salad! After everyone has eaten, take time to discuss a topic of interest. Perhaps the leadership has been mulling over an issue and would like feedback from the congregation. Maybe there’s a new ministry idea or a building to build-this is a great time for people to tell (constructively) what’s on their mind. This way, everyone feels part of the church by way of communicating what they think. Best of all, aside from food preparation, the event is free!
- Host Seasonal Events! Take Thanksgiving as an example, a worship service of giving thanks is easily put together. Prayers of gratitude to God for provision and guidance remind us all of God’s everyday and often overlooked blessings. We are reminded of God’s unfailing faithfulness to us. “He will not let your foot slip-he who watches over Israel will not slumber.” (Psalms 121:3) Again, this event is not a cost issue but in terms of people feeling more connected to God and to one another, it’s a wonderful opportunity.
- Don’t forget to support the community! This time, it will be good for the church to put some money into an outreach event. A tried and true event is always a Fall Festival or a Back 2 School event. A large church probably has musicians who, for a nominal fee, will come and provide live, good Christian music for all to enjoy. You can do face painting, cake walks, hay rides, pie throwing and the always a treat “preacher in the dunking booth.” I don’t know what it is but people sure like dunking the minister! Inflatable slides, obstacle courses and so forth are easy to find and rent for an evening. Be sure to put up signs in grocery stores, stop signs, side of the road, anywhere that you can get the word out and then get ready for a great time! This will energize the congregation, let the community know you are there and want them to have a great time and will likely result in some coming to church one Sunday morning and joining you for worship!
Putting together quality, well thought out events, take us in some ways back to a time when the church was on the forefront of peoples’ hearts, minds and schedule. It reminds the people in our church that we are an extension of their family and encourages good relationships to flourish and grow. It also communicates to the community that we are an alive and active church, eager for them to get to know us.